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Not only a supper club Essay Weimar reproduced at Louisville Classics Festival, featured by uncommon visit of the Berliner Ensemble. D...
Monday, December 30, 2019
Alexander Surname Meaning and Origin
The Alexander surname means repulser of the enemy or defender of men. It derives from the personal name Alexander, derived from the Greek AÃŽ »ÃŽ µÃŽ ¾ÃŽ ±vÃŽ ´po (Alexandros), made up of alexin, meaning to defend and andros, meaning man. Although derived from a personal name of Greek origin, the Alexander surname is most commonly found in Scotland as an Anglicized form of the Gaelic name MacAlasdair. MACALLISTER is a common derivation. Alexander is the 104th most popular surname in Scotland, just dropping out of the top 100 during the past decade. Surname Origin: Scottish, English, Dutch, GermanAlternate Surname Spellings: ALEXANDRE, ALESANDER, ALESANDRE, ALAXANDAIR, ALASDAIR, ALEXANDAR, ALEKSANDER, MACALEXANDER Where the Alexander Surname is Found Perhaps surprising, but the Alexander surname is found in the greatest frequency in the Caribbean island nation of Grenada, where one in 52 people bears the surname. According to Forebears, it also ranks among the top 20 surnames in several other Caribbean countries, including St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Alexander is also popular in Scotland and the United States; it ranks just out of the top 100 surnames in both countries. WorldNames PublicProfiler highlights Alexander as an especially popular surname in Australia and New Zealand, followed by the United States and Great Britain. Within Scotland, Alexander is found most frequently in South Ayrshire. Famous People Harold Alexander: British commander who fought in both World WarsNathaniel Alexander: inventor of the folding chairJason Alexander: American film, theater, and television actor, most well known for his role as George in Seinfeld.Archibald Alexander: Protestant clergyman and educator Genealogy Resources Alexander Surname Y-DNA Project: Over 340 members belong to this Y-DNA surname project at FamilyTreeDNA, organized to connect individuals with the Alexander surname interested in DNA testing.Alexander Family Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the Alexander surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Alexander query.FamilySearch: Explore over 3.5 million historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Alexander surname and its variations on the free FamilySearch website.Alexander Surname Family Mailing Lists: RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Alexander surname.DistantCousin.com: Free databases and genealogy links for the last name Alexander.The Alexander Genealogy and Family Tree Page: Browse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the popular last name Alexander from the website of Genealogy Today. Sources Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005.Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Creativity Nature Vs. Nurture - 907 Words
Creativity: Nature vs. Nurture As a child, I loved lying on the living room floor, crayons in hand, creating a masterpiece for my mother to camouflage our refrigerator. Throughout my childhood and adolescent years, I was fortunate enough to realize my creative potential. I often think about what exactly attributed to my creative ability. For a long time the proverbial nature vs. nurture question has sparked quite a debate. I hold the belief that nature vs. nurture is a zero-sum game. We essentially enter this existence, a lump of clay that needs molding in order to take form. So, I believe my creative abilities can be attributed to the sum of our genetic predisposition, the nurture of our mind, and the dynamic of both nature and nurture, with nurture being the predominant influencing factor. In psychology, nature refers to the inherited genetic characteristics and predispositions that influence development. Some inherited characteristics appear in virtually everyone. For instance, almost all children are born with the capacity to learn to walk, develop a language, imitate others, use simple tools, and deduce how other people view the world; therefore, all children have a set of universal genetics that, when coupled with a reasonable environment, allow them to develop as functioning human beings. I am a firm believer that our genetic makeup has a tremendous amount to do with our skills and abilities. I, personally, feel my creativity can be attributed to theShow MoreRelatedNature Vs. Nurture : Nurture901 Words  | 4 Pagestime the proverbial nature vs. nurture question has sparked quite a debate. I hold the belief that nature vs. nurture is a zero-sum game. We essentially enter this existence, a lump of clay that needs molding in order to take form. So, I believe my creative abilities can be attributed to the sum of our genetic predisposition, the nurture of our mind, and the dynamic of both nature and nurture, with nurture being the predominant influencing factor. In psychology, nature refers to the inheritedRead MoreThe Nature Vs. Nurture1463 Words  | 6 PagesT What can we define as Human Nature and Nurture? The Nature vs. Nurture has been a long never ending debate for some time now. Nature vs Nurture has been so profoundly debated, that now it’s unclear whether what makes us who we are and what we do, nature or nurture. For purposes of this essay Nature is going to be defined as characteristics we acquire through our genetic and biological factors, while that Nurture is going to be defined characteristics we acquire through our interactions and influencesRead MoreJean Piaget s Influence On Children s Development995 Words  | 4 Pagesencourages imagination and creativity. Many parents overlook Piaget’s preoperational stage and most children do not engage in make-believe play, which is a shame. Pretend play allows the enhancement of a child’s cognitive flexibility as well as creativity. The great nature vs. nurture debate also plays a role in the preoperational stage. One study showed that parents who discuss and explain certain aspects of social issues, nature, or read/ tell stories at bedtime promote creativity, as well as the childRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture By Francis Galton1448 Words  | 6 Pagesyour environment just as much as your genes.†(Rich, 2015) In 1869, the phrase â€Å"nature vs. nurture was coined by an English polymath named Francis Galton. There are two sides to this debate, each with their own pros and con’s. Nature is the side that argues that the DNA and genotype humans are born with determines who they are and what personality and traits they will have throughout their lifetime. Whereas the nurt ure side of the debate argues that humans are born with sponges as minds, and throughRead MoreMy Theories Of My Theory Of Me867 Words  | 4 Pagesmajority of traits, characteristics and behaviors that helped make me the person I am now. My theory consists of areas that I developed in such as physical aspects, social/emotional aspects, figuring out if the way I turned out was due more to nature or nurture and many more things. My theory of me also shows me if I had periods of discontinuous or continuous change as well as how strong my resilience is now. My theory is made to be a way that describes, explains and predicts my behavior (Berk pg. 7)Read MoreCorrelations between Creativity and Mental Illness Essay1604 Words  | 7 PagesSeveral scientific studies have demonstrated correlations between creativity and mental illness, including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Even though the association between bipolar disorder and creativity first appeared in literature in the 197 0s, the idea of a link between madness and genius is actually much older. It goes back at least to the time of Aristotle and the Ancient Greeks, when it was believed that creativity came from the gods, and in particular the Muses, the mythical personificationsRead MoreGender Correlation Of The Myers Briggs Type Indicator1531 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween MBTI score and gender were found. A significant positive correlation between age and Sensing was found. Gender Correlations in Regards to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Gender discussed as a social construct in conjunction with the nature vs. nurture debate sparks the idea in one’s mind: does gender have a significant effect on personality? This question is important for many reasons regarding both sides of the issue; if gender is a social construct, and gender has a significant effect onRead MoreEcofeminism Essay1217 Words  | 5 Pagestheorists question the source of the oppression of women, and seek to eliminate this oppression. Ecofeminists consider the oppression of women, (sexism) the oppression of other humans (racism, classism, ageism, colonialism), and the domination of nature (naturism) to be interconnected. In her book New Woman/New Earth, Rosemary Radford Reuther wrote, Women must see that there can be no liberation for them and no solution to the ecological crisis within a society whose fundamental model of relationshipsRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture Debate2114 Words  | 9 PagesNature vs. Nurture Albert Camus once said, â€Å"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.†But what makes man what he is? Is it his sheer genetic makeup, or is it the way he was raised? The nature vs. nurture debate has raged on for centuries, but neither side has been able to prove their point indefinitely. Even today we see displays of the contrast between genetics and learned behaviors, some of which are athletics, intelligence, medical histories, etc. Every person is completelyRead MoreChild Psychology, lesson 1 Essay1625 Words  | 7 PagesDevelopment is Nature vs. Nurture. It’s been over the centuries a big question which one is important for children’s development, Nature or Nurture? Before we go any further we have to find out what nature and nurture are. Nature can be defined as genetic make up. Hair color, eye color, height, chemical imbalance, maybe some diseases. Children inherited all or some from there parents. Nurture can be defined as an environmental factor, which the children adopted since the birth to death. Nurture can have
Friday, December 13, 2019
Black and Decker Free Essays
string(36) " as positive as Black Decker\." The black and decker corporation: power tools division| The Case of Black and Decker| The Marketing Plan for The Professional Tradesmen Segment Year 1991/1992| | Executive Summary Gary DiCamillo, Black and Decker’s president of power tools for United States, is reviewing the most recent sales records and figures indicating the professional tradesmen segment’s market share in his office. The research findings are not looking good and surprisingly, he didn’t expect otherwise. It has been almost a decade that this segment is in the bottom half of brand perception. We will write a custom essay sample on Black and Decker or any similar topic only for you Order Now There has not been any more vital time to understand the cause of this setback. This urgency lead him to ask Joseph Galli, the vice president of sales and marketing at Black and Decker, to conduct a thorough research to develop a marketing plan for the year 1991/1992. The new plan is developed to target the major problem in the Professional Tradesmen segment: Low market share among comparatives and no profitability. After a detailed situation and consumer analysis and evaluating the alternatives, John Galli concluded that professional tradesmen segment needs to be repositioned. After a careful product assessment, Galli realized the professional quality of items produced by BD is above their major comparatives such as Makita and Milwakee. However, the brand is poorly differentiated from the lower grade products in the consumer segment; the segment which BD holds the most solid market share among comparatives. The permeation of BD in consumer segment has tarnished brand perception in professional tradesmen segment; both product lines are offered in the same color: Charcoal Grey! Additionally, due to the already established and extensive negative recognition of professional tradesmen segment among professional buyers of power tool products tagging any product to this brand won’t generate the drastic results that BD is pursuing. Furthermore, it was Black and Decker’s weak presence in Home Depot, the rapidly growing professional tradesmen product outlet, which was contributing to the problem. They needed to strategically enter this market while emphasizing their position in Home Center and Two-Step distribution channel. Following these realities, Galli knew with almost no profitability in this segment asking for advertising allowances and rebate money is not an option. As a result, he introduced a marketing plan revolving around repositioning the professional tradesmen segment and establishing a new brand entry, backed by BD service and warranty handling and differentiating products from consumer segment by colorization. 1 Introduction Black and Decker is one of the world’s largest power tool manufactures and the leader of power tool market in United States. In 1991, Black and Decker’s sales record was over $5 billion and the company ranked 7th in brand recognition throughout U. S and 19th in Europe market. The nation’s power tool company leader divides in three segments: consumer, professional industrial and professional tradesmen. The consumer tool segment is offering products for â€Å"at home†use and is the most popular division with proximately $250 million in revenue in 1990. The professional industrial targets the corporates that purchase tools in large quantities for the use of professional employees. The revenue for this segment is estimated $110 Million as well. The professional tradesmen segment is the $420 million size division which represents products that professional individuals such as carpenters and contractors purchase to use on the job sites where they are required to take their own tools. However, this segment generated only $35 million revenue in 1990 with almost no profit. Both consumer and professional industrial segments owned a solid position in the market with 45% and 20% segment shares in power tool market. However, this success did not transfer to the professional tradesmen segment. In 1990, BD roughly held 9% market share in power tool market in United States. This highlighted the presence of the competitors such as Makita and Milwaukee with 50% and 10% market shares to the senior management of BD more than ever. Professional tradesmen segment was clearly suffering and falling behind in the dynamic and competitive power tool market. Joseph Galli, the vice president of sales and marketing in Black Decker decided to conduct an extensive research to find the root of this problem and conclude an alternative. In this research, the problem highlights itself as the professional tradesmen segment’s low market share, no profitability and desperate need to reposition for this segment. Following is the situation analysis of Black and Decker supporting the idea of repositioning the professional tradesman unit. 2 Situational Analysis Internal factors By virtually creating the power tools industry, Black Decker holds primary strength in the consumer and industrial segments, proved by being ranked #1 in those respected market share positions. By holding large amount of equity in the US and Europe, DeWalt can aggressively be put into the professional tradesmen segment to take the market lead from Makita. Although Black Decker only holds a 9% share in the current professional tradesman segment, Black Decker holds the title of being one of the best producers of high quality goods. By repositioning the DeWalt name in the rapidly growing professional tradesmen segment, that 9% market share will quickly increase with the support of our brand recognition and image. With the strong internal factors, the Black Decker Company has strong potential in building an admirable image in the $420 million professional tradesmen segment. External Factors The professional tradesmen segment, although relatively new, has rapidly been growing compared to the consumer, 7%, and industrial, no growth, segments. Having high market shares in the consumer and industrial parts, Black Decker holds a strong 30% of the total market share. Also growing in importance, are the home centers, The Home Depot being the largest of the quickly growing chain stores of home improvement. Buyers of the professional tradesmen tools also heavily patronize emerging retail distribution outlets, such as The Home Depot and Lowe’s. Competitive analysis Despite the fact that Makita does share 50% of the current market, the current position they hold in brand image is not nearly as positive as Black Decker. You read "Black and Decker" in category "Essay examples" Consumers have regarded Makita as, 3 â€Å"arrogant†and â€Å"dictatorial. †On the other side, Black Decker has been put in the top ten in the U. S in the aspect of brand strength. One of the main reasons why Makita has grown much success in the past decade was with the help of the new rapid development of home center outlets. A common characteristic shared within the top three manufacturers of the professional tradesmen segment was that all three offered broad product lines, offering approximately 175 SKU’s each. Consumer Analysis Black Decker Corporation as a Power Tools Division has been ranked low in the professional tradesmen market. In efforts to increase awareness and market the power tools division in a more competitive way, a consumer study was established and processed. Consumers of different ages, sexes, and races that work in the professional tradesmen field and the general public were asked a series of non-bias questions in order to gain a competitive advantage in the future sales opportunity. In order to do so we needed to study the current trend of consumer awareness and behavior as well as the pre conceived opinion of the Black Decker product reputation both past and current trends. The following segments were used: Young Adults (ages 15-25), Adult Women (ages 26-60), and Adult Men ages (26-60). Young Adults (ages 15-25): The young adults being mostly single, college age living at home with parents or with roommates who typically don’t use power tools were vaguely familiar with the Black Decker name and not associating as a Power tool brand. Adult Women (ages 26-60) usually homemakers, single moms, have advanced education, professional, and work both outside the home as well as in the home. Of the Adult females surveyed 75% were familiar with the Black Decker name and had purchased a BD power tool over any other brand. Of those women, 75% also choose durability over cost when compared to similar items. While most women appear to be more in tune to actual cost of household products such as a Dust Buster when compared to professional grade tools, they still have a more realistic estimate of actual cost when compared side by side. Most women rate 4 Black Decker as a good-excellent power tool product and would recommend to a friend and purchase additional BD products. Adult Men (ages 26-60) Most with a higher level of education and with more experience using power tools. In some instances adult men and women shared the same opinion but when asked, men choose warranty over compatibility. 56% of adult men rated Black Decker as a poor choice for a power tool. While women were found to be more willing to purchase additional power tools with the Black Decker name only 10% of males said they would and most would not recommend BD as a power tool option. With the above data collected it is determined that dropping the Black Decker name instead of just Sub branding would better benefit the goals of the company and gain a larger advantage in the market. Having such a negative appeal from the current state is not only discouraging but also provides a more complete analysis of how the consumers view the Black Decker name, regardless of the quality of an actual item. Alternatives, Pros and Cons The first alternative would focus on BD consumer and Professional-Industrial market segment which it already maintains the #1 market share. The professional-Tradesman segment would become an afterthought for BD, instead focusing primarily on profitability at the expense of market share. BD research had shown that their tools were highly regarded in the professional industrial segment, for high quality. BD field test of their products with all identifying marks removed against competitors products which also had all identifying marks removed, showed that product quality was strongly competitive with other brands. This would greatly diminish the Black and Decker brand by deemphasizing the quality in the professional-Tradesman segment. The result would be a negative effect on consumer and industrial segments as well. Brand loyalty and image would suffer greatly while gaining market share for the Professional-Tradesman segment. The second alternative would be to sub-brand BD product. The brand would have a new name for its professional tradesman products, but would also state â€Å"by Black and Decker†. 5 This alternative would not entirely clear all negative brand perception in the BD Professional Tradesman segment. Professional Tradesman segment viewed the BD brand as a product for home instead of job use. This alternative would still carry the negative perception of the BD brand in the Professional Tradesman segment of the market. BD quality perception of suppliers quality would remain first to last based on company research. Color was generally regarded as a product differentiator and this alternative would not make any changes in this regard, keeping the BD tools their respective traditional colors. This alternative would do little to increase market share and revenue. The third alternative, which has been chosen for the best possible outcome, would be to use an entirely different brand name for the BD Professional-Tradesman segment of the market. The brand name chosen is DeWalt, the brand has storied history in the stationary wood working business since the company was founded in 1918. DeWalt products were permanently installed on many lumberyards, garnering awareness of the brand, verified by research at 70% and also positively viewed as one of the best by 63% of the professional-tradesman segment of the market. The company was purchased by BD in 1960, so the brand name could be easily assigned to a BD product. The color option eventually chosen was yellow, a familiar sign of caution used on many construction sites. The yellow coloring would also differentiate the DeWalt product from many other brands including BD and many other successful brands in the professional-tradesman segment. This option would theoretically double the market share within three years; operating income would also increase by 2%. Recommendations The product chosen to replace the BD nameplate in the professional tradesman segment is the DeWault. DeWalt brand would position the BD professional tradesman products a step higher in product quality and reliability, relieving the negative brand association in the respective segment. The color yellow chosen for the product would create instant awareness of the brand amongst its immediate competitors Makita and Milwakee. The price of the DeWalt Professional-Tradesman product would be positioned comparably to the Makita and Milwakee brands. Milwakee and Makita are priced 5% and 10% respectively over current similar BD products. 6 The distribution channels that will be used include home centers, which include The Home Depot and Home Club. Home centers are increasingly becoming a popular source for professional-tradesman tools. Home centers have a combined yearly sale of 8. 5 million dollar in the professional-tradesman market. DeWalts rise in the marketplace will greatly depend on these types of distribution outlets. Two-steps will be used for distribution as well, including Ace and Servistar. DeWalt will not be offered in discount oriented membership club stores, as they are perceived to be positioning themselves as a â€Å"fathers day gift†The DeWalt brand has an existing 70% awareness rating among Professional-Tradesman, and a 63% positive view by tradesman. The company was founded in 1918 and has been a permanent fixture in lumberyards since, the presence over the years has created most of the existing promotion of the brand. The yellow color of DeWalt tools will help it differentiate itself form other products and also promote itself as being the only yellow tool for Professional-Tradesman on the market. Conclusion The purpose to conduct this marketing plan was to find an alternative to Black and Decker’s decade long failure to own large enough market shares in professional tradesmen segment. Black Decker has succeeded to position the consumer and professional industrial segments in the top ranked market share among comparatives however, professional tradesmen segment has failed to reach anywhere beyond %9. The internal factor for BD is that, this company is one of the world’s largest power tool producers and in the comparison product analysis Black and Decker’s products win over the competitors. This means BD has the potential to earn the top brand perception that is missing. On the other hand, consumers are the external factor who prefers using BD products for home use rather than on job sites this is while Makita and Milwaukee are the two preferred brands in professional tradesmen segment. Galli is coming up with three alternatives. The first option is to harvest professional tradesmen channels. This option is vetoed because professional tradesmen segment is growing more rapidly than consumer and industrial segments. Dropping this segment will lead to a huge loss in a long run. The second alternative is to sub-brand. This alternative is ruled out as well since releasing any products under any brand while still tagged to BD will not lead to increase sales due to extensive negative brand perception in professional tradesmen products. The third alternative is to drop the tainted Black and Decker name and produce a line of products under DeWalt brand, the brand owned by BD with already established market share and good brand perception. Even though, building a new brand from the ground up takes time (proximately three years) this alternative is highly recommended. DeWalt brand saws have a very high brand recognition and durability. Additionally, this product line will be offered in a new color: Yellow. The color that indicates safety and can easily be recognized and differentiated by customers. Timeline Spring -begin advertisements with print by using our sub-branding method -sub branding would emphasis on the new name De-Walt -prepare for manufacturing and distribution of product for upcoming summer Summer -hold a press conference inviting various professional tradesmen, small and large corporations such as construction companies and small business owners to introduce the new product line and hold demonstrations -offer sample test tools to professional tradesmen – set up workshops using the new sub-branded power tools to generate a buzz and interest in the new products which would be available for purchase soon -begin distribution among large retailers as well as club stores -increase advertisement both in print, radio and television September -evaluate sales -take market surveys of those using the new sub branded product line December -continue to offer demonstrations on the use of the new line -decrease advertisement efforts -offer holiday packages to encourage families to purchase the new product lines for their husbands, fathers, brothers etc. for the upcoming holidays -have successfully created a positive outlook and increased market share and sales of the new sub branded product line by the end of the year How to cite Black and Decker, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Ethics and Moral Rights free essay sample
The textile industry in Bangladesh employs three million people and makes up 80% of the country’s exports (ABC News 2013). However, there is a history of unsafe working conditions and deaths (Ahmed and Peerlings 2009; Ahmed 2004, 38). A factory collapse recently killed over 1000 workers and as a result, various companies are signing a safety accord (Ferguson and Jolley 2013). This is an ethical decision that can impact those company’s stakeholders. The decision can be made under various ethical models, such as moral rights, social justice (Waddell, Jones and George 2011, 148) and utilitarianism (Duska 2007, 22-25). This paper will argue that the accord should be signed according to the utilitarian model. The moral rights model argues that decisions should be made to protect fundamental rights of stakeholders and do no harm (Casali 2011, 489). The poor working conditions in Bangladesh violate the concept that workers, who are stakeholders (Phillips 1997, 52-53), have a right to safety (Byrne 2011, 499; Gavai 2010, 13). Inaction will harm workers by failing to improve conditions, which is the purpose of the accord. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics and Moral Rights or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Under this model, the accord should be signed to protect workers’ rights. The social justice model argues that benefits and harms should be distributed fairly among all stakeholders (Waddell, Jones and George 2011, 148). The accord will improve working conditions for workers. However, improvements are costly (Ahmed and Peerlings 2009). The increased costs reduce profit and potentially harm shareholders. As such, under the justice model the accord should not be signed as it benefits one group and harms another. Under classical utilitarianism, the goal is to increase the good or happiness for the largest group (Jones and Phelps 2013, 354). However, the modern interpretation is increasingly moving towards a strategic model aiming to improve profitability (Yim and Fock 2013, 282, 293-294). Companies using Bangladeshi factories and operating in Australia need to take consumer ethics into account. As Australia is a low power distance country with consumers that will less easily accept unethical behaviour (Hofstede 1980; Swaidan 2012, 206), under the enlightened self-interest model of CSR, improving ethical standards by signing the accord will improve profits (Duska 2007, 9). According to utilitarianism, the accord can increase good for workers, shareholders and customers, therefore it should be signed. The Bangladesh workers’ rights problem can be examined from multiple ethical standpoints, including moral rights, social justice and utilitarianism. Under moral rights and utilitarian models the accord should be signed, whereas under social justice it should not. This paper argues that based on the utilitarian model of ethics, the accord should be signed by any company using Bangladeshi factories.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Ethanol Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essays
Ethanol Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essays Ethanol Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essay Ethanol Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essay Ethanol Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast, 2013 2019 Ethanol is a volatile, colorless and flammable alcohol. Major industrial applications of ethanol include pharmaceutical, alcoholic beverages, chemical feedstock, fuel and others. Ethanol is produced from petrochemical derivatives by distillation and from carbon rich raw material through fermentation process. Ethanol is also used as psychoactive and recreational drug across the world. Alcoholic beverages forms the major part of ethanol market; these beverages include beer, cider, ale, wine, spirits and others. Visit Complete Report Here: marketresearchreports.biz/analysis-details/ethanol-market-global-industry-analysis-size-share-growth-trends-and-forecast-2013-2019 Growing automobile industry is expected to drive the ethanol market as it is being used as a fuel and fuel additives for automobiles. Increasing population and disposable income of consumers in developing countries is driving the automobile market. Further, presence of stringent government regulations in developed countries are expected to drive the market as ethanol is cheaper and releases less carbon emissions than traditional crude oil. In addition, rising crude oil prices and volatility in supply is expected to drive the market as ethanol is used as alternative energy source to oil. Ethanol is an important component of alcoholic beverages and rising demand for beverages is expected to subsequently drive the market for ethanol. Rising demand for high quality alcoholic beverages from developed counties is expected to fuel the ethanol demand. Consumer groups from developing countries are shifting towards high purity ethanol based beverages owing to changing life style and increasing disposable income. However, rising demand for electric car and/or hybrid care demand is expected to hamper the market growth. Additionally, rise in raw material price and use of substitutes for
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Irigaray an Essentialist or not Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Irigaray an Essentialist or not - Essay Example She observes that women have been traditionally excluded from history of philosophy and psychoanalytic theories, only being related to other categories of the nature and matter instead. This denies women an opportunity to gain their own female subject position, which is distinguishable from the aspects of nature and matter (Fuss, 63). According to her, in the concept of philosophy, psychoanalytic theory and linguistic structure, a separate female position and identity does not exist, and thus women only gain subjectivity, when being associated with men. It is on the basis of this fact that she advocates for the concept of mimesis, which allows the members of a social group to come together, despite their differences, to take the advantage of the similarity that they exude, and forge a common identity, which would allow them to achieve certain goals (Fuss, 58). This advocacy requires women to take the advantage of the femininity, and forge an identity that they apply to push for recog nition and advocate for their rights, whenever they feel that such rights are not easily granted. Through the observation that women has no distinct subject position from that of nature and matter, Irigaray goes further to subject the stereotypes that are often given about women to scrutiny, to analyze such subjective views and put them into perspective (Fuss, 64). This is perceived through the lens of philosophy history and language. She upholds that women are not subjected to real views of themselves, and thus they should apply the views they are subjected to, to deny the stereotypes and show their true position. Therefore, if women are stereotyped to be illogical, then they should speak and act logically, so that they can disapprove that notion (Fuss, 71). She holds the view that negative prejudices and views against women cannot be overcome by merely ignoring the views, rather through confronting and demystifying the views in a more
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Review paper for electron portal imaging system Article
Review paper for electron portal imaging system - Article Example this outcome is supported by mathematical computations and evaluations of the results. The paper also outlines and identifies potential advancements in the field such as the implementation of aSi-based EPIDs that can play a critical role in developing and aiding EPI systems in the near future. 1. Introduction The treatment of cancer by the means of radiation or exposure to a radioactive element requires further research to allow for the achievement and enhancement of pivotal objectives behind radiotherapy. According to Kirby and Glendinning (2006: pS50) advancements in radiotherapy must occur to explore solutions through which the dose that is aimed towards the target volume is enhanced such that the impact of high radiation on adjoining tissue, which is in a healthy state is lessened to a substantial extent. Pouliot et al. (2003: p862) state that in determining the exact location of the target volume the electron beams must be pointed in a precise direction to satisfy the requiremen ts of a consistent dosimetric exposure. Piermattei et al. (2006) have presented a procedure which allows for the in vivo determination of the focal point of radiation that is tested on the target volume of pelvic regions. With regards to the accomplishment of aforementioned objectives and aims, enhancements in electronic portal imaging systems can play a critical role. Portal imaging essentially assists the geometric substantiation of field position (Kirby and Glendinning 2006: pS50) thereby, diminishing the possibility of geometric ambiguity (Pouliot et al. 2003: p862). According to Pouliot et al. (2003), the process of portal imaging aims to employ the assistance of bony landmarks to establish the placement and setup of the patient that is relative to the focal point of radiation, however, further considerations into the subject are required to direct researchers into the application and implementation of portal imaging systems in radiotherapy when discussing target volumes in sof t tissue tumors of the prostate. The paper aims to discuss the advancements in portal imaging systems over the decades by assessing comprehensive literatures presented by Kirby and Glendinning (2006), Pouliot et al. (2003), Baker et al. (2005) and Piermattie et al. (2006), the primary focus of this assessment rests upon evaluating the technological innovations and developments in electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs). Dedicated sections in the paper also discuss the use of radiopaque markers in the accurate visualization of the prostate via portal imaging to depict the accuracy of its placement throughout the procedure of radiotherapy by the means of a study conducted on a sample size of 11 patients. In conclusion the paper reviews and appraises the advancements in the development of electronic portal imaging systems by assessing the literature under review and stating that the developments in e
Monday, November 18, 2019
Major Contributions Made By Ancient Egyptians And Babylonians To Essay
Major Contributions Made By Ancient Egyptians And Babylonians To Science - Essay Example The ancient Egyptians were masters of the arts of stone working and metal working and the production of faience and glass. Their products were used throughout the ancient world. Their understanding of astronomy was very advanced, and this knowledge was passed on to the generations that followed. In mathematics, they developed basic concepts in arithmetic and geometry. The ancient Egyptians understood the idea of fractions and knew how to add them. Some of the mathematical texts taught the finer points of arithmetic, geometry, and even word problems, and are not unlike modern primers. These and other texts indicate that the ancient Egyptians understood and could add fractions and could even find the area of a trapezoidal pyramid. Without the advanced mathematics they originated, the ancient Egyptians would not have been able to build the pyramids and other large structures (Encarta, 2005). Egyptian scholars wrote some of the earliest known medical texts. These texts deal with topics such as internal medicine, surgery, pharmaceutical remedies, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. Medical papyri taught physicians how to deal with both internal medicine and surgery (Encarta, 2005). Ancient Egyptians doctors were the first physicians to study the human body scientifically. They studied the structure of the brain and knew that the pulse was in some way connected with the heart. They could set broken bones, care for wounds, and treat many illnesses. Some doctors specialized in the field of medicine, such as eye defects or stomach disorders (Lesko, 1989).
Friday, November 15, 2019
Modelling of Moisture Adsorption for Sugar Palm
Modelling of Moisture Adsorption for Sugar Palm Modelling of Moisture Adsorption for Sugar Palm (Arenga pinnata) Starch Film Tri Hadi Jatmiko a) , Crescentiana D. Poeloengasih, Dwi Joko Prasetyo and Hernawan Research Unit for Natural Product Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract. Sorption characteristic of food products is important for design, optimization, storage and modelling. Sugar palm starch film with two different plasticizers (sorbitol and glycerol) with varied concentration studied for its adsorption isotherm characteristic. The data of adsorption isotherm fitted with GAB, Oswin, Smith and Peleg models. All models describe the experiment data well, but Peleg model is better than the other models on both sugar palm starch film plasticized with sorbitol and glycerol. Moisture sorption of sugar palm starch increased linearly with plasticizer concentration. A new model by taking account of plasticizer concentration describes the experiment data well with an average of coefficients of determination (R2) 0.9913 and 0.9939 for film plasticized with glycerol and sorbitol respectively. Keywords: Sugar palm starch; glycerol; sorbitol; model; moisture sorption isotherm Utilization of biopolymers for the film has attracted the interest of researchers to explore starch as a material for the film. Starch has attracted great attention because it is easily obtained, widely available, cheap, eco-friendly, renewable and film-forming properties [1,2]. The studies that have been conducted shows that the sugar palm starch has the potential to be used as raw material for the film [1,3-6]. The use of pure starch will produce the fragile film, which is usually overcome by the addition of plasticizers. The addition of plasticizer on the film made of starch will affect the characteristics of the film, one that has changed is the characteristic of moisture absorption of the film. Moisture sorption isotherm is the relationship between the amount of water content of foodstuffs with humidity at a constant temperature and displayed in graphical form [7]. Moisture sorption isotherm models are useful for predicting water sorption characteristics of foods, even though they furnish little insight into the interaction of water and food. Even though a number of mathematical models exist to explain moisture sorption isotherms of foods substances, none equation offers accurate outcome for the period of the entire variety of water activities, or for all types of foods material, it is because of water associated with a matrix of food with different mechanisms on different humidity [7]. Only a few studies have reported the content of the plasticizer into account in the determination of moisture sorption isotherm of a starch film. Coupland (2000) reported the effect of glycerol on the moisture sorption behavior of whey protein isolate film, that consider the content of plasticizer in moister sorption of the film [8]. Jatmiko (2016) reported that four parameter Peleg model could be used to give a good description of moisture sorption of sugar palm starch based film. In this study, we report sorption isotherms for sugar palm starch based films affected by plasticizer. Moisture sorption isotherm of sugar palm starch film from Jatmiko (2016) was used for this study. The data fitted with the following model: Oswin Oswin equation is one of the best model for describing the moisture sorption of starchy food and gave a good fit for vegetables and meat [7]. where M is the moisture content (g/g dry solid), aw is water activity, A and B are constant. Smith Smith has developed a water sorption isotherm equation based on the theory that water adsorbed on a dry surface composed of two fractions. The first fraction has a heat of condensation is higher than normal and the second fraction consisting of multilayers of water molecules, which can prevent the evaporation of the initial layer [9]. where M is the moisture content (g/g dry solid), A is the quantity of water in the first sorbed fraction, and B is the quantity of water in the multilayer moisture fraction, aw is water activity. GAB GAB equation is one of the most widely used equations in predicting water sorption isotherms [7]. where M is the moisture content (g/g dry solid), M0 is the monolayer moisture content; C and K are constants. Peleg Four parameters model proposed by Peleg [10] can be used for both sigmoid and non-sigmoid isotherm and some studies report that Peleg model better than GAB model. where M is the moisture content (g/g dry solid), K1, K2, n1 and n2 are constants. Moisture sorption of sugar palm starch film with sorbitol and glycerol shows sigmoidal shape as shown in Fig. 1. According to the classification of Al-Muhtaseb et. al [7] the moisture sorption of sugar palm starch film is type III. FIGURE 1. Moisture Sorption isotherm of sugar palm starch film plasticized with sorbitol (A) and glycerol (B) The data of moisture sorption of sugar palm starch film with glycerol and sorbitol plasticizer were fitted with models from previous studies. Generally, all models describe moisture sorption isotherm of sugar palm starch film plasticized with glycerol and sorbitol well. The model constants from previous studies present in Table 1 and Table 2. TABLE 1. Model constants for sugar palm starch film with glycerol Model constants Glycerol 30% 35% 40% 45% Oswin A 0.236 0.2775 0.3229 0.3855 B 0.3615 0.3494 0.3465 0.3222 R2 0.9976 0.9964 0.9936 0.9941 Smith A 0.086 0.1128 0.1365 0.1872 B 0.2047 0.2266 0.2588 0.2751 R2 0.9805 0.9789 0.9739 0.9797 GAB M0 0.116423 0.137712 0.159887 0.195346 C 978656.7 968661.7 998659.9 943564.8 K 0.884887 0.877535 0.876436 0.858216 R2 0.9859 0.9808 0.9763 0.9737 Peleg K1 0.3715 0.4346 0.4799 0.5378 K2 0.6842 0.7666 0.9006 0.933 n1 0.5756 0.5558 0.4751 0.4117 n2 12.39 13.04 12.49 11.28 R2 0.9998 0.9996 0.9998 0.9995 TABLE 2. Model constants for sugar palm starch film with sorbitol Model constants Sorbitol 35% 40% 45% Oswin A 0.09689 0.0946 0.1015 B 0.6194 0.6633 0.6632 R2 0.9984 0.998 0.9982 Smith A -0.09125 -0.1231 -0.1323 B 0.2449 0.2819 0.3026 R2 0.9345 0.9236 0.9242 GAB M0 0.04948 0.04986 0.05356 C 978656.7 968661.7 998659.9 K 0.969 0.977 0.976 R2 0.999 0.9992 0.9994 Peleg K1 1.001 1.201 1.276 K2 0.2379 0.2483 0.2547 n1 16.45 17.16 16.39 n2 1.058 1.102 1.042 R2 0.9991 0.9988 0.9992 GAB equation shows that the higher the concentration of plasticizer, the amount of water in the monolayer will be even greater. According to Mali [11], this happens because the more content of the plasticizer, the more active sites that bind water. The moisture content on a monolayer of sugar palm starch film plasticized with sorbitol was lower than sugar palm starch film plasticized with glycerol. Sorbitol structural molecule similar to glucose that cause strong interaction between sorbitol and polymer chain, as a result, there is a lower possibility for sorbitol to interact with water [12]. Meanwhile, glycerol could withstand water in their matrix because the hydroxyl group in glycerol had a strong affinity with water [13]. All of the above models can describe the moisture sorption isotherms by the film of sugar palm starch well, but none of them describe the effect of the concentration of plasticizer in moisture sorption isotherms by sugar palm starch film. So we proposed a new model that consider the concentration of plasticizer on moisture sorption of sugar palm starch film plasticized with glycerol and sorbitol. where M is the moisture content (g/g dry solid), a, b, c, d constant and x is plasticizer concentration. TABLE 3. Constants of new model for sugar palm starch film Plasticizer Concentration Model constants R2 a b c d Sorbitol 35% 1.01174 10.77467 0.628699 1.700724 0.9934 40% 1.193598 11.48727 0.601008 1.870756 0.9939 45% 1.279081 11.42559 0.57095 2.002083 0.9948 Glycerol 30 0.760819 7.644822 1.808462 1.724646 0.9908 35% 0.845172 7.780921 1.784906 1.79808 0.9897 40% 0.977611 8.132343 1.755913 1.856643 0.9918 45% 1.024442 7.656481 1.717197 1.9017 0.9931 Table 3. shows the model constants and coefficient of determination that describe the moisture sorption of sugar palm starch film plasticized with sorbitol and glycerol well. The moisture sorption isotherm of sugar palm starch film increase linearly with plasticizer concentration. A new model that consider the plasticizer content show the sorption isotherm sugar palm starch film well. The authors grateful to Indonesian Institute of Sciences for providing financial assistance through Riset Unggulan 2016 during this investigation. We also extent our appreciation to Deputy of Engineering Science, Indonesian Institute of Sciences for his encouragement and support during this work . C. D.Poeloengasih, Y. Pranoto, S. N. Hayati, Hernawan, V.T. Rosyida, D.J. Prasetyo, et al., A physicochemical study of sugar palm (Arenga Pinnata) starch films plasticized by glycerol and sorbitol, AIP Conference Proceedings 1711 (American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2016), p. 80003. T. H. Jatmiko, C. D Poeloengasih, D. J. Prasetyo, V.T. Rosyida, Effect of plasticizer on moisture sorption isotherm of sugar palm (Arenga Pinnata) starch film, AIP Conference Proceedings 1711, (American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2016), p. 80004. W. Apriyana, C. D. Poeloengasih, Hernawan, S. N. Hayati, Y. Pranoto. Mechanical and microstructural properties of sugar palm (Arenga pinnata Merr.) starch film: Effect of aging. AIP Conference Proceedings 1755. (American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2016), p. 150003. M. L. Sanyang, S. M. Sapuan, M. Jawaid, M.R. Ishak, J. Sahari. Effect of glycerol and sorbitol plasticizers on physical and thermal properties of sugar palm starch based films in Recent Advances in Environment, Ecosystems and Development, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Environment, Ecosystems and Development (EED 15), edited by Aida Bulucea (WSEAS Press, 2015), p. 157-162. M. Sanyang, S. Sapuan, M. Jawaid , M. Ishak, J. Sahari, Polymers 7(6), 1106-24 (2015) M. R. Ishak, S. M. Sapuan, Z. Leman, M. Z. Rahman, U. M. K. Anwar, J. P. Siregar, Carbohydr Polym. 91(2), 699-710 (2013) H . Al-Muhtaseb, W. McMinn, M, Magee TR, Food Bioprod Process 80(2), 118-28. (2002) J.N. Coupland, N. B. Shaw, F. J. Monahan, Dolores ORiordan E, M . OSullivan, J Food Eng. 43(1), 25-30 (2000) Ricardo D. ANDRADE P. Roberto LEMUS M. CEPC, Vitae, Rev La Fac Quà mica Farm. 18(3), 325-334 (2011) M Peleg, J Food Process Eng; 16(1):21-37. (1993) S. Mali, M. V. E. Grossmann, M. A. Garcà a, M. N. Martino, N. E. Zaritzky, J Food Eng. 75(4), 453-460 (2006) M. Cerqueira, B. W. S. Souza, Teixeira J, A. Vicente, Food Hydrocoll. 27(1), 175-184 (2012) S. Mali , L. S. Sakanaka, F. Yamashita, M. V. E Grossmann, Carbohydr Polym. 60(3), 283-289 (2005)
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Prospero in William Shakespeares The Tempest Essay -- Shakespeare T
Prospero in William Shakespeare's "The Tempest" Prospero has long been read as one of Shakespeare’s most cherished and provocative protagonists. His timeless role in â€Å"The Tempest†has provided readers and critics with insights into many attributes of Shakespeare as a man, his works, and the political views that are personified in his play. The historical context of â€Å"The Tempest†is one that convincingly conveys the political views of the English people of his time, relating to the colonization of the New World, the expansion of British powers, and the domination of the indigenous peoples that was necessary for the British to thrive in the Americas. Of course, many people from the 1600’s would argue that domination of these natives would have been completely justified, from this view, Prospero conversely did nothing truly evil in taking rule of the Island from Caliban. However, a modern critic reading or watching a performance of â€Å"The Tempest†may find that Prospero is not very dif ferent from Antonio when standing the play and the colonial era next to each other. The reader will see through basic observation that these two men have more in common than they do in disparity, and more so that he closely resembles the attitude of European colonists settling in the New World. Prospero is simply a ruler, bent for power, and to him, the end justifies the means. The only true difference between Prospero and Antonio may be that that Prospero is not quite as willing to kill as Antonio is, and that he may not be addicted to gaining power and fratricide as Antonio may be. Prospero is capable of forgiveness, as seen in the end of the play. He does not of course carry all the attributes of an evil villain. If Shakespeare wrote an evil p... ...true difference between himself and Antonio. It reinforces the benevolence that is one of Prospero’s characteristics, and also conveys the kindness and grace set upon the native peoples of the English colonies by it’s European rulers: that since they are ignorant and need constant guidance, they are worth forgiving. Works Cited: Brown, Paul/Deborah Willis. William Shakespeare, The Tempest: A Case Study in Critical Controversy. Bedford/St. Martin’s, Boston-New York 2000 Hunter, Heidi. Colonial Women: Race and Culture in Stuart Drama. Oxford University Press. New York, New York. 2001 Merrell, James H. Into the American Woods. W&W Norton and Co. Inc. New York, New York. 1999 Shakespeare, William. The Tempest Washington Square Press. New York, New York. Folger Shakespeare Library edition. 1994
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Life of Human Beings Without Fresh Water Essay
Fresh water is naturally occurring water on the Earth ‘s surface in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, and underground as groundwater and underground streams. Fresh water is generally characterized by having low concentrations of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids. The term specifically excludes seawater and brackish water. A human body can survive 8-14 days without water depending on the person. First of all our very existence will be in danger in the absence of fresh drinking water. Besides we will not get the much needed source of irrigation for our fields and as a result there could be lot of scarcity of food. So we will face a situation of food crisis. Water running in rivers is tapped and big dams are constructed and hydropower is produced. Moreover river transport system is not possible in case water stop flowing in rivers. Although plenty of water is available in oceans but that is not fit to be consumed by human beings as it is salty. At last in situation of extinction of fresh water resources, human beings will have to desalinate the sea water which is very costly affair. Lot of poor people will die as they will not be able to afford this type of water obtained through desalination plants. Moreover many types of diseases may occur due to consumption of sea water. In nutshell human beings will face a very difficult time in case they have to line without fresh water. Water is a finite resource which means that the total amount of water in the planet is only limited. Its supply remains the same and yet human population recently grows resulting to a decrease of available amount of freshwater per person. The relatively small amount of available freshwater elaborates on how critical it is for everyone to help preserve and maintain clean, healthy lakes and streams, our sources of water. Water is mostly now being wasted because it is under-priced. We do not realize the significance of it. Also, the uneven distribution of water resources has led to the stage of scarcity in a number of regions. Freshwater provides water for drinking, sanitation, agriculture, transport, electricity generation and recreation. It also creates habitats for a diverse range of animals and plants. There is no way we can live without freshwater supply. Our freshwater resources could eventually deplete if not protected now some way. Truth is we cannot live or function on a daily basis without the use of freshwater supply. It circulates and goes through our bodies, replenishing nutrients and carrying away waste materials. Now think of the scenario where human beings have to live without water.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Same Sex Unions Essays - Gender, Human Behavior, Human Sexuality
Same Sex Unions Essays - Gender, Human Behavior, Human Sexuality Same Sex Unions Book Review: Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe by John Boswell The question of same-sex unions and their legitimacy in many different societies is a topic that has been hotly debated for centuries. One society in particular is pre-modern Europe. Noted author and historian Dr. John Boswell looks extensively at the topic of same-sex unions in his book Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe. Dr. Boswell argues extensively in his book that the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches not only sanctioned unions between partners of the same sex, but actually sanctified them. This critique examines some specific aspects of the book, and analyzes them. Before an analysis of the Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe can be evaluated, its important to know a little about the author himself and what he stood for. Dr. Boswell was a professor at Yale University and Chairman of Yales history department for many years. He was an award winning scholar, author and historian. In addition to writing Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe he also wrote several other works such as Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality. Two of his greatest professional achievements included being a Woodrow Wilson Fellow and a Fulbright scholar. It is his extensive training as a Historian and an understanding of his own homosexuality that gave him unique insight into the writing of Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe. In Same Sex Unions in Modern Europe, Boswell takes a highly controversial position in saying that the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches actually sanctified same sex unions, while at the same time, presenting his viewpoints in such a way that any well educated historian would very carefully. He almost contradicts himself at several points in the book and mentions that his ideas are subject to debate among his peers. Boswell, in writing this book has essentially established a Premodern Europe where heterosexual marriage was largely ignored by pagans and discouraged by the church. Also, according to Boswell, men would essentially pair off in order to perform duties that were considered essential to society such as war, trade, education, friendship, etc. As Boswell puts it it is hardly surprising that there should been a Christian solemnizing same sex unions. I do not agree with him on this premise, although homosexuality has existed in animal species and in humans since the beginnings of our existence, how can he be so bold as to assume that the majority of these supposed pairs were homosexual? In my opinion that broad of a statement is like saying that any two men that shake hands or embrace must automatically be gay. There is a second specific point that I wish to point out with regards to medieval priest and the monastic life. Boswell points out in Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe that young boys caught performing homosexual acts were punished by being sent to a monastery. Was this meant as punishment to deprive these boys of their youth or to isolate them from the supposed forces that made them perform these acts? Boswell points out in any event, being placed with monks was likely to provide the best environment to locate other men romantically interested in their own gender. Thats all well and good, but he undermines his own thesis here. If the Christian Right of the time so vehemently supported same sex unions, then why would boys who engaged in same-sex acts be punished at all? Should not they be encouraged to be homosexual? Boswell not only mildly contradicts himself here, he goes a step further and practically destroys his own thesis. Through reading Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe, relating it to my own experiences as a history major, and gay male, not to mention discussions in class, I do not believe that same sex unions were as heavily sanctioned in Premodern Europe by churches as Boswell would have us believe. It is my opinion that there have fluctuations between then and now as to exactly how much homosexuality is tolerated by the so-called mainstream society. There were places such as Ancient Greece where it was accepted and modern day liberal locations such as San Francisco, California that have a large gay/lesbian population. In both places both in the past
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Whats My Age Again essays
Whats My Age Again essays Children have become increasingly violent since the 1970s. Today more gangs exist and homicides occur than in the past thirty years. Crime rates have only dropped slightly in the five previous years (Vieregge n.p.). Now that more juvenile delinquents are entering the justice system, the question arises as to how they should be tried. Being tried in a juvenile court for a serious offense is much like a slap on the wrist. Sure, they can be sent to an adult correctional facility if sentenced to it in a juvenile court, but the longest amount of served will be twenty years. In contrast, trying a juvenile as an adult guarantees that the youth will be held accountable for his or her actions. Children commit violent acts throughout the United States and believe that they cannot be held responsible for their actions; such a practice should change and violent juvenile should be used as examples to the rest of the countrys youth by being tried as adults in the United States Justice Syste m. Overall, the crimes of juveniles have become much larger and the ages of the delinquents have dropped considerably since the first juvenile court was established in 1899. The main purpose of this court was to deal with miscreants that threw bricks or rocks through windows (Butterfield 154). Today, the juvenile courts have a much harder task at hand. In 1985 and 1986, Howard Snyder found an increase of 75 percent among juveniles for crimes involving drugs (Hurst 2). The crime rates seem to have sky-rocketed ever since the early 1980s. The fastest growing crime has become possession of a loaded gun. Yet, the youth of America are not just carrying those loaded guns and not using them. The year of 1991 produced armed robbery exceeding drug-related offenses (Kramer 213). The two previous years had brought a 26 percent increase in juveniles arrested for murder and non-negligent manslaughter. Those same two years lead to a 17 percent increase...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Journal entry #6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Journal entry #6 - Essay Example As disclosed, the attributes range from being cheaper and more efficient; possesses the ability to record live scenes; has â€Å"the ability to manipulate temporal and spatial perspectives†(Wang & Shen, 2007, p. 4); to capture both animation and motion; simple and easy to use; enhances stimulation; presents appropriate source and material to learn a foreign language; offers individualized, opportunities for oral practice; and can be utilized within the classroom setting (Wang & Shen, 2007). The authors further discussed the characteristics of ESL learning, first through a more generalized perspective prior to delving into the applications in China. The theoretical frameworks were likewise expounded by discussing the Krashen’s second language acquisition theory; theory on how learning occurs; the cognitive theory; information processing and dual coding theories (Wang & Shen, 2007, pp. 7-8). The proposed tentative model was finally discussed focusing on the cognitive the ory and the Cognitivists’ Information Processing Theory, among others. The vast amounts of new information provided by the authors in terms of learning the role and value of captioned video in ESL learning posed instrumental benefits to educators. As reminded, the applicability of the tentative model depends on factors that range from the â€Å"attributes of the media, the specific learning tasks, and the learner characteristics†(Wang & Shen, 2007, p. 10). Educators should therefore learn more on the subject to appreciate its
Friday, November 1, 2019
Composition with Twelve Tones Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Composition with Twelve Tones - Essay Example The researcher states that it was in the early 19th century (between 1911 and 1922) that Schoenberg was searching for something new, something that may replace the traditional and old scheme of composition of music pieces. He believed that the old music was using just one or two tones as the core elements of its compositions. These two elements according to him were the tone / tonality and dissonance. According to Schoenberg these elements were stretched and used throughout the composition which he did not appreciate. As a result Schoenberg came up with a new idea that all the twelve tones must be utilized while composing music. Through it he was assure of the fact that no single tone will get the significance and all tones will be heard and balance each other in any composition. If we try to understand ‘The method of composing with twelve tones grew out of necessity†¦such a change became necessary when there occurred simultaneously, a development which ended in what I cal l the emancipation of the dissonance’, Schoenberg actually pointed out towards the surplus use of dissonance in the late 19th century by the composers like Strauss, Debussy and Wagner. These composers used dissonance freely as the basic element of music. This was indeed a thorough change in the techniques of compositions and thus it ended in what Schoenberg’s has stated as ‘Emancipation of the dissonance’. It has been noticed that the majority of the Schoenberg’s twelve tone composition portrays some characteristics which summons the forms of large scale tones. The music composition included all the major and minor keys from A to G. However his prediction regarding the popularity of the twelve tone composition did not come to reality. He thought that with the formation of the twelve tone composition he can spread and sustain the Germanic Music for the coming ten decades. Actually it did not happen. Schoenberg’s twelve tone system gained popul arity in the 20th century only. However at present musicians are unaware of the system and does not even aware of what twelve tone composition (Taylor & Melchior, 1993). With the formation of the twelve tones composition there was a simultaneous development in the music composition which was called the emancipation of dissonance. Emancipation of dissonance is also a concept in music composition which was formulated by Arnold Schoenberg and some other composers. In this emancipation he declared no difference or change in dissonance or consonance. According to Schoenberg, just like any other feature of life, music is also historically foreseeable. With this assumption and his establishment of the twelve tone composition he thought that he can hold German music for the coming 100 years. His representation was classical and portrayed a sequence in which principle of evolution was symbolized by chromatic scale. He further assumed the twelve tone composition as a replacement for functi onal tonality. The development of twelve tone composition was considered to bring a change in music style whereas the change was brought to an end with the development of emancipation of dissonance. However for the use of twelve tone composition he emphasized on not using or avoiding traditional dissonance or simple consonance (Encyclop?dia Britannica, 2013). It is evidenced from Music literature that Schoenberg was very
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Legacy of British colonialism in the Caribbean Essay
Legacy of British colonialism in the Caribbean - Essay Example Britain’s imperial possessions in the Caribbean were collectively called the British West Indies. These were comprised by Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands. The West Indies also included the sub-grouping called the Caribbean Anglophones composed of the now independent states such as Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago. Prior to the British and European occupation, the Caribbean is home to some ancient agricultural civilizations. The oldest settlement, which was considered to be those of archaic age, dates back to around 7000 years. At the time of the European colonization, settlers are comprised of three Amerindian ethnic groups, namely: the Tainos, Carib and the Ciboney. The importance of the Caribbean among its European rulers is mainly due to the sugar industry, which has prospe red in the islands. "Sugar was the foundation of the Golden Age of West Indian prosperity during the eighteenth century" (Tomich 14)
Monday, October 28, 2019
Creating My Own School Essay Example for Free
Creating My Own School Essay The benefits of education on the individual person no doubt extend beyond economic effects. Jeremy Behrman and Nevzer Stacey cited that the effects of education â€Å"spread beyond direct economic effects (1). †As such is the case Behrman and Nevser adds, benefits â€Å"include a better way of taking care of ourselves and consequently creating a better society in which to live†(1). Based on this notion, it is important to make education available for everyone regardless of race, color, social status and gender or even physical condition. Education should be a right of everyone and no one should be denied of this right. However, the quality of education has been the focal point in the educational arguments. The report of the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) cited that although teachers play an essential role in improving the students’ performance, the quality of education especially in areas where poverty is high, remains bad due to teachers’ lack of competency in the subject they teach (1). Thus it remains a burden of the government and of the society to establish schools that will cater to the increasing demand of a quality education. The No Child Left Behind Act was a response to this demand, yet it is clear that there is still a great demand for schools that would cater to the growing need of the society of a quality education for children. It is for this reason that I should like to introduce the Early College Communications (ECC) school which is designed to serve especially working class student and those with special cases. With highly competent teachers duly licensed by the states licensing board, the ECC provides quality education for grades 9-12 that would prepare students to college with a high level of competitiveness and a strong sense of achieving success in life. The school is deeply anchored on the government’s policy under No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA) which emphasized on the qualification requirements for teachers. Under this act, the GAO report stated that states, districts, and schools are â€Å"responsible for ensuring that teacher meets these requirements†(1). The GAO also stated that the NCLBA â€Å"requires teachers of core academic subjects such as math and science be highly qualified†¦. †(1) The ECC proudly announces that it meets these requirements. The ECC’s philosophy of education is based on the principle that education is for everyone and that everyone deserves quality education. The ECC adopts a method of teaching based on Ramden’s (1992) distinctive ways of understanding teaching that is applicable to high school education wherein the teacher is seen as the organizer of student activity. Kate Ashcroft and Lorraine Foreman-Peck explained that in this method of teaching, the focus of the teaching and learning situation is on â€Å"what the student does†(69) and the role of the teacher is supervisory. In this case, as Ashcroft and Foreman-Peck pointed out, â€Å"the interest of teaching methods is now focused on ensuring that students learn†(69) and the teacher’s main concern is to motivate students â€Å"to be actively engaged†(69). With this method of teaching, the ECC management ensures that all students get quality education as we are implementing strict compliance for teachers to facilitate the student’s learning through motivating them to active and lively participation in the learning activities. As the school is committed to providing quality education, we have also implemented strict guidelines on the selection of teachers. Teachers were thoroughly screened if they have genuine interests in helping students learn regardless of their color, race, social status or physical condition. Thus, we are assuring everyone that the ECC is student friendly and we are very much concern all our student get quality education as they finished their term with us. For students with disabilities, that is, those belong to section two of the definition given by the Individuals with Disabilities Education act of 2004 (IDEA) cited by Roger Pierangelo and George Giuliani which held, (ii) Disorders not included. The term does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage (1) Students with disabilities that do not include learning problems because of the reasons mentioned in the definition, we encourage them to enroll at ECC as we have highly competent teachers to handle this special class. However, we require students with disabilities to seek certification from the local educational agency whether they responds to scientific, research-based intervention as part of the evaluation procedures. With teachers’ genuine concerns on students with disabilities, their primary aim is to ensure that students with disabilities learn equally with other students. Furthermore, the school facilities are designed for the convenience of these special students. These teachers are licensed by the state to handle special classes and they are skilled in communicating with students with disabilities. Overall, the school is committed on preparing our students to become successful individual regardless of their color, race, social status, and physical condition. The student who could finish their term at ECC will have an early college credit because the school offers subjects that will provide them advantage when they go to college. Thus, with our commitment towards the future success in life of our students, and with efficient and highly qualified teachers we are confident we can lead our students to become competitive, success oriented and determined to achieve their dreams in life. For everyone out there, enroll now at Early Communication College and be assured of a quality education and of an exciting learning situation in the classroom. Work Cited Ashcroft, Kate Foreman-Peck, Lorraine Managing Teaching and Learning in Further and Higher Education Great Britain: Routledge, 1994 Behrman, Jere R. Stacey, Nevser The Social Benefits of Education USA: University of Michigan, 1997 â€Å"No Child Left Behind Act Improved Accessibility to Education’s Information†USA: The United States GAO, 2005 Pierangelo, Roger Guiliani, George A. Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities USA: Corwin Press, 2008
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Roman Empire :: essays research papers
The Roman Empire The people were happy. This is the underlying cause of the astounding length of time and space that the Roman Empire occupied most of the known western land. Great rulers met their downfall when they put their own status in front of the well being of the people they govern. When the citizens are left high and dry and not regarded as important to their society then this is when there is an overthrow of power and a new ruler comes into play. Citizens had a place in politics, they have lots of entertainment, they had the best army in the world to protect them, and Rome was the place to live and would be that way for many years. Many leaders come and go but it is the great ones that we remember, the ones that make people enjoy life. The emperors that are not approved by the people are the ones that turn a new leaf of evil once they have a military victory. The thrill of so much power gives them the urge to be the best in the world. They move on and conquer other nations and forget about their own people. Julius Caesar cared about his people and wanted to be the "ruler for the people," rather than the "ruler of the people." When he gain power of Rome from the hands of Pompey there was no reign of terror, but a policy to restore economic and prosperity to Rome. This period of time in Rome is known today as the golden age of Roman literacy and development. The minds of the people are expanding. Another example of the Roman citizens' happiness and prosperity comes during the rule of Caesar's grandson Octavian, better known to history as Augustus. Once Augustus rises from the new triumvirate as the ruler of the empire, he introduces different types of social reform that appease the people and keep them on his side. Augustus is a classical man and wanted to bring back the ancient moral to the citizens. He reduced the size of the army and gave soldiers land and money. He imports food and gives it away to the people. Augustus transformed Rome from city of bricks to a city of marble by building temples and basilicas to represent his power as well as his love for the city that he takes care of.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Horatio and Laertes as Foils in Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Coursework Shakes
 Horatio and Laertes as Foils in Hamlet        Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare is a play about a man's revenge for his father's murder and all the tragedy that comes along with it. The play takes us through the emotions and doubts Prince Hamlet finds within himself after speaking with the presumed ghost of his father, the former King of Denmark. Through Hamlet we meet Horatio, a friend of Hamlet's and a fellow student. When reading [ref] the conversations between Hamlet and Horatio, it becomes clear how Hamlet feels about his father's murder and his plans to avenge this murder. We also meet Laertes, son of Polonius and sister to Ophelia. Through interactions with Laertes we see another side to Hamlet. The similarities and the differences between them both help to show off more of Hamlet's personality and feelings about the revenge. Through both Horatio and Laertes we see not only Hamlet's plan for revenge but also some of his feelings of doubt and confusion between what he thought he wanted and wh at he was actually capable of.     A foil is a minor character in a play or novel that shows the feelings and thoughts of the major character. This is done not only by the dialog between the two characters but also their similarities and differences. As a foil, Horatio can be seen as a window into what Hamlet feels and does. Horatio is one of the first to see the ghost of King Hamlet and he also informs Hamlet of this sighting. This is something that they have in common because not all of the characters can see the ghost. The queen, for instance, was unable to see it when talking to Hamlet in her ... ...tries to do away with Hamlet right from the start. The only thing that slows him down is that Claudius wants the right time and the right place to not only make sure that Hamlet is dead but to also save him from any repercussions that might come his way from Hamlet.    Through different minor characters, the true feelings and personalities of the main character in a novel or a play come out. Hamlet's weaknesses and strengths and thoughts and desires came out because of his relationships with others. Without Horatio or Laertes the small aspects of Hamlet's personality would not be clear. This is true of every relationship whether it be fact or fiction. People, real or fake, need others about themselves. These people to Hamlet are Horatio and Laertes, and without these two essential characters,] the play would be less than great. Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Christmas Day
Christmas is a Christian festival. Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian faith, was born on 25 December. Hence the day is observed as the ‘Christmas Day' in order to commemorate Christ's birth. On the day, the Christians dress themselves colourfully with a gay spirit. They wish ‘Merry Christmas' to their friends and relatives. They visit one another's house in order to exchange good wishes. The Christians decorate their houses on the occasion with the Christmas Tree which is an evergreen (artificial) tree beautified with small electric bulbs and zari laces or other tiny pieces of decoration like dazzling paper stars, halls etc. hat add a typical festive mood to the occasion. They prepare Christmas pudding rich dark plum cakes which are eaten at Christmas. The Christians all over the world enthusiastically celebrate the Christmas festival. It is a great day also for the children, who sing the carol, which is a Christmas hymn in chorus in memory of Christ's birth. They fervently look for Santa Claus or the Father Christmas who is supposed to appear to distribute attractive gifts to the children on the day.Santa Claus dress es himself in red and white, wears white and long false beard, and carry a bag full of presents for the children. The shops, hotels, churches, schools, colleges-all are decorated with various types of coloured paper flowers or other designs, balloons and lamps on the Christmas day. The festival is now-a-days found to be enjoyed and celebrated also by other communities not as a religious belief, but as a festive occasion.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Prime Minister Joe Clark Biography
Prime Minister Joe Clark Biography At the age of 39, Joe Clark became the youngest Prime Minister of Canada in 1979. A fiscal conservative, Joe Clark, and his minority government were defeated after just nine months in power on a non-confidence motion on a budget of tax increases and program cuts. After losing the 1980 election, Joe Clark stayed on as Leader of the Opposition. When Brian Mulroney took over as Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada in 1983 and then Prime Minister in 1984, Joe Clark continued as an effective Minister of External Relations and Minister for Constitutional Affairs. Joe Clark left politics in 1993 to work as an international business consultant, but returned as Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party from 1998 to 2003. Prime Minister of Canada:Â 1979-80Birth:Â June 5, 1939, in High River, AlbertaEducation:Â BA - Political Science - University of Alberta, MA - Political Science - University of AlbertaProfessions:Â Professor and international business consultantPolitical Affiliation:Â Progressive ConservativeRidings (Electoral Districts):Â Rocky Mountain 1972-79, Yellowhead 1979-93, Kings-Hants 2000, Calgary Centre 2000-04 Political Career of Joe Clark Joe Clark began his political career as Director of Organization for the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party from 1966 to 1967. He was Special Assistant to a Conservative member of parliament Davie Fulton in 1967. He served as Executive Assistant to a Conservative member of parliament Robert Stanfield from 1967 to 1970. Joe Clark was first elected to the House of Commons in 1972. He was elected as Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada in 1976 and was Leader of the Opposition until 1979. Joe Clark was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada after the 1979 general election. The Conservative government was defeated in 1980. Joe Clark was again Leader of the Opposition from 1890 to 1983. Joe Clark called a Progressive Conservative Party leadership convention and lost the party leadership to Brian Mulroney in 1983. In the Mulroney government, Joe Clark served as Minister of External Affairs from 1984 to 1991. He was President of the Privy Council and Minister Responsible for Constitutional Affairs from 1991 to 1993. Joe Clark did not run in the 1993 general election. Joe Clark returned as Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada in 1998. He was re-elected to the House of Commons in 2000. In 2002, Joe Clark said he had carried the Progressive Conservative Party as far as he could. Joe Clarks resignation as Progressive Conservative Party leader was effective at the leadership convention in May 2003. Unhappy with the subsequent merger of the Progressive Conservative Party and the Alliance Party into the new Conservative Party of Canada, Joe Clark decided not to run in the 2004 general election.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Ancient Syrian Facts and History
Ancient Syrian Facts and History In antiquity, the Levant or Greater Syria, which includes modern Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestinian territories, part of Jordan, and Kurdistan, was named Syria by the Greeks. At the time, it was a landbridge connecting three continents. It was bounded by the Mediterranean on the west, the Arabian Desert on the south, and the Taurus mountain range to the north. The Syrian Ministry of Tourism adds that it was also at the crossroads of the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Nile. In this vital position, it was the hub of a trade network involving the ancient areas of Syria, Anatolia (Turkey), Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Aegean. Ancient Divisions Ancient Syria was divided into an upper and lower section. Lower Syria was known as Coele-Syria (Hollow Syria) and was located between the Libanus and Antilibanus mountain ranges. Damascus was the ancient capital city. The Roman emperor was known for dividing the emperor into four parts (the Tetrarchy) Diocletian (c. 245-c. 312) established an arms manufacturing center there. When the Romans took over, they subdivided Upper Syria into multiple provinces. Syria came under Roman control in 64 B.C. Romans emperors replaced the Greeks and Seleucid rulers. Rome divided Syria into two provinces:Â Syria Prima and Syria Secunda. Antioch was the capital and Aleppo the major city of Syria Prima. Syria Secunda was divided into two sections, Phoenicia Prima (mostly modern Lebanon), with its capital at Tyre, and Phoenicia Secunda, with its capital at Damascus. Important Ancient Syrian Cities Doura EuroposThe first ruler of the Seleucid dynasty founded this city along the Euphrates. It came under the Roman and Parthian rule, and fell under the Sassanids, possibly through an early use of chemical warfare. Archaeologists have uncovered religious venues in the city for practitioners of Christianity, Judaism, and Mithraism. Emesa (Homs)Along the Silk Route after Doura Europos and Palmyra. It was the home of the Roman emperor Elagabalus. HamahLocated along the Orontes between Emesa and Palmyra. A Hittite center and capital of the Aramaean kingdom. Named Epiphania, after the Seleucid monarch Antiochus IV. AntiochNow a part of Turkey, Antioch lies along the Orontes River. It was founded by Alexanders general Seleucus I Nicator. PalmyraThe city of palm trees was located in the desert along the Silk Route. Became part of the Roman Empire under Tiberius. Palmyra was the home of the third century A.D Roman-defying queen Zenobia. DamascusCalled the oldest continually occupied city in the word and is the capital of Syria. Pharaoh Thutmosis III and later the Assyrian Tiglath Pileser II conquered Damascus. Rome under Pompey acquired Syria, including Damascus.Decapolis AleppoA major caravan stopping point in Syria on the road to Baghdad is in competition with Damascus as the oldest continually occupied city in the world. It was a major center of Christianity, with a large cathedral, in the Byzantine Empire. Major ethnic groups The major ethnic groups that migrated to ancient Syria were Akkadians, Amorites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, and Arameans. Syrian Natural Resources To the fourth millennium Egyptians and third millennium Sumerians, the Syrian coastland was the source of the softwoods, cedar, pine, and cypress. The Sumerians also went to Cilicia, in the northwest area of Greater Syria, in pursuit of gold and silver, and probably traded with the port city of Byblos, which was supplying Egypt with resin for mummification. Ebla The trade network may have been under the control of the ancient city Ebla, an independent Syrian kingdom that exerted power from the northern mountains to Sinai. Located 64 km (42 mi) south of Aleppo, about halfway between the Mediterranean and the Euphrates. Tell Mardikh is an archaeological site in Ebla that was discovered in 1975. There, archaeologists found a royal palace and 17,000 clay tablets. Epigrapher Giovanni Pettinato found a Paleo-Canaanite language on the tablets that was older than Amorite, which had previously been considered the oldest Semitic language. Ebla conquered Mari, the capital of Amurru, which spoke Amorite. Ebla was destroyed by a great king of the southern Mesopotamian kingdom of Akkad, Naram Sim, in 2300 or 2250. The same great king destroyed Arram, which may have been an ancient name for Aleppo. Accomplishments of the Syrians The Phoenicians or Canaanites produced the purple dye for which they are named. It comes from mollusks that lived along the Syrian coast. The Phoenicians created a consonantal alphabet in the second millennium in the kingdom of Ugarit (Ras Shamra). They brought their 30-letter abecedary to the Aramaeans, who settled Greater Syria at the end of the 13th century B.C. This is the Syria of the Bible. They also founded colonies, including Carthage on the north coast of Africa where modern Tunis is located. The Phoenicians are credited with discovering the Atlantic Ocean. The Aramaeans opened trade to southwest Asia and set up a capital in Damascus. They also built a fortress at Aleppo. They simplified the Phoenician alphabet and made Aramaic the vernacular, replacing Hebrew. Aramaic was the language of Jesus and the Persian Empire. Conquests of Syria Syria was not only valuable but vulnerable since it was surrounded by many other powerful groups. In about 1600, Egypt attacked Greater Syria. At the same time, Assyrian power was growing to the east and Hittites were invading from the north. Canaanites in coastal Syria who intermarried with the indigenous people producing the Phoenicians probably fell under the Egyptians, and the Amorites, under the Mesopotamians. In the 8th century B.C., the Assyrians under Nebuchadnezzar conquered the Syrians. In the 7th century, the Babylonians conquered the Assyrians. The next century, it was the Persians. At the death of Alexander, Greater Syria came under the control of Alexanders general Seleucus Nicator, who first established his capital on the Tigris River at Seleucia, but then following the Battle of Ipsus, moved it into Syria, at Antioch. Seleucid rule lasted for 3 centuries with its capital at Damascus. The area was now referred to as the kingdom of Syria. Greeks colonizing in Syria created new cities and expanded trade into India. Sources: The Library of Congress - SYRIA - A Country Study, Data as of April 1987Supplemental: [www.syriatourism.org/] Syria - Ministry of TourismSyrian CitiesA Manual of Geographical Science: Ancient Geography, by W. L. Bevan (1859).
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Philosphoical needs essays
Philosphoical needs essays Endangered species are living organisms whose population are significantly reduced and are threatened to the point of extinction. Many interventions have taken place since then to help the few attempt to regain their numbers of animals. Thousands of species are included in this category, not to mention plants, mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. What would this world come to if no one cared for such scarce breed that was dying off? It can have many damaging effects to the environment. Millions of years before humans, the extinction of organisms was linked to the climate and geological patterns, which made main alternation of the environment. Environmental change is still the primary cause of the extinction of animals, but now the changes have greatly accelerated by human interaction. A few examples include land for farming, lumbering, mining, building dams, and draining wetlands. In any case, they all alter the environment extensively that ecosystems may be completely destroyed, ruining the food chain. Minnesota is home to many mammals, plants, and birds. According to Minnesotas Department of Natural Resources, there are many specimens on the endangered, threatened, and special concerned list. With over half being plants, there are many more added each year. In particular, the gray wolf is on the threatened list. With wolves being perceived as a threat to people, especially children, the animal usually poses little danger to humans. The increase in the number and distribution of wolves in Minnesota over the past two decades has resulted in more wolves living near people than any other time in Minnesotas history. Another debate is the managing of wolves would be to alleviate predation on Minnesotas deer herds. In addition, the issue of wolves killing deer has been a hot topic in Northern Minnesota and was used to justify wolf bounty. Based on data collected from Minnesota DNRs1997-98, an estimate of ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Environmental Rights Annotated Bib Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Environmental Rights Bib - Annotated Bibliography Example The authors highlight that the current literature regarding environmental rights ignores the economic costs (transactional costs) such as welfare costs associated with the establishment of the right. The current literature therefore proposes that the only transactional costs involved are bribes and the like, which are of no economic significance. The whole economic literature also assumes that individuals are rational beings and hence the environmental policy making does not involve self-interest (Krutilla and Alexeeve, 2014). Through their article, the authors have tried to describe how transactional cost involved (such as welfare cost) can be reduced. The most important theme of the paper is that environmental rights are an important policy making instrument. Generally, the rights are defined in terms of taxation or through a stipulated pollution level which acts as a control. This provides an incentive for polluters to reduce their emissions of harmful gasses thereby circumventing the high abatement costs. For this reason, polluters often oppose such developments because it costs them highly in terms of taxation and other economic costs. Even though environmentalists work to advocate pollution taxation, the result is the imposition of infra-marginal rents. As a result, a new political economy has erupted which operates trading programs for polluted emissions (Krutilla and Alexeeve, 2014). The authors have provided a framework in order to model sharing of the environmental rights (Krutilla and Alexeeve, 2014). However, the authors have assumed an elastic demand for the polluters which means that they alone bear the taxation imposed on emissions. The authors however have made a good attempt at trying to quantify and monetize the welfare costs associated with the rights. The social, political, and economic aspects have been discussed very well by the authors due to the context of the issue. Towards
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Use of Animals in the Experiments Research Paper
The Use of Animals in the Experiments - Research Paper Example The increase in experiments with the use of animals resulted in an increase in the vivisection of the animals. This resulted into increase in controversies due to the increased surgery and dissection of the part of organisms in the body of the animals. One of the proponents of Galenic physiology, Edmund O’Meara was one of the opponents of the use of animals in scientific and chemical experiments. He argued that the severe harm and physiological pain caused to the non-human animals as a result of the dissections conducted during the experiments cause a physiological imbalance to the animals which go unnoticed. The animals subject to experiments are kept awake for a continuous period which is unjustified and unlawful (Gluck, Pasquale and Orlando 140). The unbearable pain borne out by the animals during the process of experiments always stay behind the awareness of the scientists and the researchers. The agonizingly painful processes that are faced by the non-human animals have l ed the opponents of the view to suggest a ban on the use of animals in experimental procedures. The experiments on the response of brains to the electrical impulses and shocks put the animals under the treatment of electrode bars. The varying electrical impulses are passed on the body of the animals based on the inquisitiveness of the researchers. The animals are finally captivated to death in order to analyze the impact of the experimental procedures on the various parts of the body of the non-human animals (Monamy 74). Almost 300 million animals are forced to die in the scientific and chemical laboratories where the experiments are performed.
Nasser speach Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Nasser speach - Assignment Example Even though the critics say that it did not change much in the country but it did show that the Arabs are aware. They are not merely masses that were just being sold and divided between borders and oil reserves. Even though the thoughts in Nassers narrative are appealing but nothing much has changed. One thing is for sure that the Arabs are aware, and they want to determine the destiny of their nation. Later in the documents Nassir talks about what the Arabs should do if they really want to take their fate into their hands. He says that their approach must aspire to the latest scientific tools and achievements. Embracing technology and education will be the greatest weapons in their hands. By acquiring new equipment, Egyptians industry will have its distinct position compensating for the production progress that started in other countries much earlier. He speaks of the United Arab Republic making foreign policies in the best interests of its people and not for a handful of rich Arab families. It is hard to discourage such passionate idea by Nasser, but the reality of the Middle East does not reflect his
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