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Friday, January 31, 2020
First Day at an Electrical Job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
First Day at an Electrical Job - Essay Example  On June 15, 2011, joy would be seen all over my face from the fact that I had secured a job at an Oryx gas-to-liquid company that is classified as a Natural gas producing company. The position that was designated to me was electrical maintenance personnel. My arrival at the Oryx Company was marked with great apprehension because I did not know what to expect in the electrical department of a gas producing company. Numerous pipes could be seen running from one place to another in the company’s compound. Additionally, thick electrical cables were visible that were providing the machines with electrical powers. Natural gas dish machines contributed to most of the electrical machines, which I was designated to maintain by the human resource manager of the company. The morning production section alter I arrived at the company was running smoothly and my job was only to go through manuals that contained the maintenance procedure of the natural gas dish machines. ... exactly twelve o’clock, my supervisor and other electrical personnel took my presence very helping and decided to leave the observation of the electrical wiring as well as the natural gas dish machines. I observed the machines for two hours after which I sensed an electrical burn smell in one of the main supply electrical cable. The smell attracted the attention of other personnel in various departments in the company, which lead to numerous phone calls on the department that I was titled to, which was the department of electrical maintenance. With minimal time to waste, I picked the tools in the office and rushed to a spotted faulty cable. I was surprised to find that one of the motors coolant fans had slipped out of the confined metallic cages and cut the main supply electrical cable into two. The supply cable in that was cut fell on the surface of one of the motors. Most motor surfaces carry a current and once the cable had fallen on one of the surfaces, an electrical short followed intriguing a fire. Fortunately, the company had effective self-fire distinguishers; hence, the fire was put off immediately. Nevertheless, the avoided fire incident did not solve the main problem that had been caused by the faulty coolant fun, which was power cut-out to three natural gas dish machines. Additionally, there was no experienced electrical personnel at the moment that necessitated me to act quickly to fix the electrical supply cable. The process of fixing the cable involved creating a joint at the point that the fun had cut. The other main step was to ensure that the faulty fan was replaced to avoid such a risky incidence. However, most of the risk I got exposed to was fixing the damaged electrical supply cable. Â
Thursday, January 23, 2020
I Hate Narrative Essays -- Personal Narrative Essay Example
I stared at the blinking cursor, unbelieving at what I had just done. I was indeed done; done with a paper I agonized over for 6 hours. The paper was due in a scant 4 hours and I had all week to do it. The radio had stopped working because my brother got on the Internet and thus cut off my connection. That was the least of my problems working on this paper. I got it done, though. My life changed with one trip of a teacher to the chalkboard and one phrase, narrative essay. God, I hate narrative essays. My day was going well. I devoured a big breakfast, my brother, for once, got out of the shower quick, and no major assignment was pending. Life was very, very good. Then life began to fall into oblivion. I saw on the board in the front of Mrs. Smith's room the journal entry for the day. It was about what would I write about in a narrative essay. Hope faded away. Somewhere on the planet a nuclear bomb went. An earthquake struck in some unknown place on the Earth. A volcano erupted on Jupiter's moon Io and killed a bunch of Ionians. Somebody's red rose just wilted and the petals fell onto the ground. The end of the world was indeed upon us. My jaw dropped and warning bells went off in my head. I went completely and utterly blank. I tried as hard as I could to write my journal. Channel One came on and talked about a nuclear bomb going off in India that caused an earthquake that somehow caused a volcano to erupt on Io (that killed a bunch of aliens). My jaw dropped once again. It was now the floor. As I was finishing my journal, Mrs. Smith went to the front of the room and talked about, du du du, narrative papers. She gave us a cold, white study guide that gave me no hope for survival. She then gave us another evil sheet of pap... ... am to get a halfway decent grade. So, I started it up and felt confident that I was going to get it done. God, I hate narrative essays. You have to write about your own personal experiences and expect to get a three-page paper out of it. I have no events in my life that would fit a three-page paper. The events in my life are either to foggy in my mind, are too insignificant in my mind to fit a three-page paper, or are too big and broad to be able to fit in an essay and would need a 500-page book to explain. I do far better at other kinds of essays than narratives, such as the persuasive paper. I look forward to those kinds of essays more than I look forward at all to doing any more narrative essays. In, the mean time, however, I am going to try to get James to get off the Internet. Maybe then I may have a better narrative topic. I hate narrative essays anyway.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Turf Grass Industries
The field of turfgrass science, and golf course management has became very sophisticated in just the few short years that I have been involved. Much of the equipment has gone higher tech, as far as electric motors, and more computerized technology. Many golf course superintendents now are , â€Å"online via the web†. If there is a question concerning a new disease or fertilizer one can log on to Texas [email protected] home page and hopefully find a solution to the problem. The technology in the computer field has also advanced the irrigation technology in the agriculture field. Irrigation systems can now be turned on with the touch of a button through IBM or MACINTOSH Personal computer. New computer technology will continue to make leaps and bounds for the turfgrass industry. Ransome Industries, maker of fine turgrass mowing equipment, has come out with the first electric mowing machine. I myself am not in favor of this, or I would guess anyone in the petroleum industry is either for that matter. There has been a greater demand for environmental concern along the nations coastlines, and nation wide. Most of the worlds great golf courses are located along the coasts. Ransome was banking on that an electric mowing machine would fit that need. It has been slow to catch on as of late. It†s benefits are an almost quiet no noise machine. (Beard 302). Many country club members would become outraged when the superintendents would send out the greensmowers daily at 6:00 A. M. The diesel and gasoline powered engines are noisy, and would wake up many members that live along the golf course. The second benefit is no cost of gasoline or oil, and therefore no chance of a petroleum leak or spill. There downfall lies in there initial cost,†$15,000 for a gasoline triplex mower, and $20,000 for an electric powered mower. Another real downfall is that they can only mow nine holes, then they have to be charged for ten hours, rendering them useless for the rest of the day. Hopefully technology can produce an environmental friendly machine, while not putting the oil industry in a bind, †And also keep the governments hands out of the cookie jar with new environmental taxes†!!!!!! The Internet has become a very important tool to the people in the turfgrass industry. At any given time a golf course superintendent can log onto various company†s home pages to learn something about their product. If one day I am searching for a new fairway mower, I can bypass the phone calls and written estimates, and go strait to the information. Toro, Ransome, Jacobsen, and even John Deere all have home pages. You can inquire on a certain mower model, engine size or anything you need to know. It will list a price and even the shipping and handling and the salesman†s commission. Perhaps the best part about the Internet, is all the turfgrass related information that is at your fingertips. (Beard 120) One can access the three dominating turfgrass schools in just seconds. Those three schools would be Texas [email protected], Mississippi State, and Oklahoma State. If it is in the middle of the summer, and there is a big tournament coming up they can be of great help. If your putting greens start to die in spots in the heat of the summer, one could log on to Texas [email protected] home page, and root around for some information, on what type of disease might be causing it. (Beard 420) They give identifying characteristics for each disease that is helpful in a quick diagnoses of the problem. They even offer helpful tips on what chemicals will best control the problem, and how much to spray. If that†s not enough they give tips on employee management, and possible job opportunities with the college. How can the Internet and computer technology possibly make my future job any easier, I might ask. Well that is an easy question to answer. Toro, Rainbird, and Flowtronics PSI, have found a way to make water management an easy task. Automatic water irrigation systems have been around since the early seventy†s. First they were run off a mechanical pin and timer system for home lawn use. This was a very reliable system, but it lacked flexibility. (Wikshire95) Next came the automatic timer systems. These run off an electronic timer from a 110 volt wall outlet. These are still in use today, and it is a very good system. (Wikshire 112) Last but not least has come the water management system run from your personal Macintosh or IBM compatible computer. The personal computer actually works as the brain for the irrigation system. (Wikshire200) You down load the program into the computer, and bam it does all the work for you. It has a water sensor located outside that tells the system to shut off if it has rained to much, or to come on if it is getting extremely dry on a hot summer day. It also can measure the amount of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in the soil, if necessary. It will test the water, and tell you the amount of salt or nitrates located in the water. Once a watering program is started it is also easily changed to another program if so desired. (Wikshire202) This has benefited the turfgrass industry in many ways. It has saved superintendents from having to come and shut the irrigation off in the middle of the night if it starts raining hard. Most importantly it has saved money in the labor part of the budget. It keeps hourly employees occupied with other tasks, other than having to turn on individual sprinkler heads every day. The most popular program by far is the Rainbird Vari-Time V and VI programs. (Wikshire250) These two programs are leaps and bounds above the rest. Having knowledge of computers and computer related programs will be very beneficial to me in the turfgrass industry. The technology will benefit me and others. From new high tech electric mowing machines, to non hydraulic mowers. The Internet could be the most useful tool for me in my job. It will give me useful knowledge on what is going on in the world. Also it could help save me from a costly mistake when it comes to disease control that could cost me my job. The computer industry has also made great accomplishments when it comes to water conservation management. These programs can be downloaded into your personal computer. They are great labor savers, and most of all effective time management tools. I hope that the technology will keep advancing, and make my future job as a golf course superintendent much easier.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Free Energy Machine The theory of Perpetual Motion and Energy
The theory of perpetual motion and energy is a topic that is one that is almost an outcast by the scientific community. That is why it so interesting in my opinion. One day I was brain storming and this method just popped into my head. My hypothesis states that a bigger pulley on the router of an electric motor and a smaller pulley on the router of an alternator connected to a battery would put out higher amounts of energy than the same or even smaller pulley on the alternator. The interesting thing about this experiment is that the results actually matched my hypothesis. As far as getting this to run in a continuous fashion if you add an inverter and another battery to this system, the amperage would be enough to power the motor and the†¦show more content†¦To do that the motor needs to have a lower voltage than needed in the system. A fan motor would probably be the best in this situation. The fan motor has a switch that allows different speeds for the motor and a better chance to get the RPM down to the best speed possible. If this mechanism were to work then there would be a clean and renewable source of electricity to distribute throughout the world. The next component in the system is the pulley. Pulleys are an ingenious invention that we use in everyday objects such as cars, bikes, and clocks. The way that this system is set up is like that of a car. In a car there are 4 different gears. There is first gear witch spins at the same speed or RPM as the motor does. As you â€Å"up shift†the RPM of the motor gets lower and the speed of the tires moves faster. With the pulleys in the right ratio there is the hope that the alternator will spin faster than the motor does thus putting out a surplus of electricity The choice of a metal chain or a rubber type belt was a tough one. Both of these options to drive this mechanism have their own strengths and weaknesses. The pros to the chain are that it is will wear out less easily, the chain wont slip as much and the chain also stands to be more efficient because it doesn’t stretch as much as the rubber belt or any other non-metal belt does which causes drag. The cons are that it can rust and it weighs more than a rubber belt. The pros to the rubber belt are that it is lightShow MoreRelatedThe Most Important Fuel Of The World Is Energy Essay1376 Words  | 6 Pagesis energy. Energy is the capability to do work or the power which can make changes in matter. We can use it in different ways in everyday life such as transportation, entertainment, communication, personal comfort, agriculture and manufacturing. The world will come to a standstill without energy. 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