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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Relationship Between Life Expectancy at Birth and Gdp...
The relationship between Life Expectancy at birth and GDP per capita (PPP) Candidate: Teacher: Candidate number: Date of submission: Word Count: 2907 Section 1: Introduction In a given country, Life Expectancy at birth is the expected number of years of life from birth. Gross domestic product per capita is defined as the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in one year, divided by the size of the population of that country. The main objective of the present project is to establish the existence of a statistical relation between Life Expectancy (y) at birth and GDP per capita (x). First, we will present in Section 2 the data, from an official governmental source, containing Life†¦show more content†¦Basic statistics for the GDP per capita: Mean: x=i=148xi48 = 12900 In order to compute the median, we need to order the GDP values: 600, 700, 1100, 1500, 1600, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2500, 2900, 2900, 3200, 3300, 3900, 4000, 4100, 4300, 4800, 5000, 6000, 6300, 6700, 7600, 7600, 9100, 9900, 10600, 10700, 11200, 12300, 13900, 15700, 16700, 19800, 20000, 26700, 27400, 27600, 27600, 27700, 28200, 28800, 29000, 29100, 29800, 30000, 31100, 37800. The median is obtained as the middle value of the two central values (the 25th and the 26th): Median= 7600+91002 = 8350 In order to compute the modal class, we need to split the data in classes. If we consider classes of USD 1000 (0-999, 1000-1999, †¦) we have the following table of frequencies: Class | Frequency | 0-999 | 2 | 1000-1999 | 4 | 2000-2999 | 5 | 3000-3999 | 3 | 4000-4999 | 4 | 5000-5999 | 1 | 6000-6999 | 3 | 7000-7999 | 2 | 8000-8999 | 0 | 9000-10000 | 2 | 10000-10999 | 2 | 11000-11999 | 1 | 12000-12999 | 1 | 13000-13999 | 1 | 14000-14999 | 0 | 15000-15999 | 1 | 16000-16999 | 1 | 17000-17999 | 0 | 18000-18999 | 0 | 19000-19999 | 1 | 20000-20999 | 1 | 21000-21999 | 0 | 22000-22999 | 0 | 23000-23999 | 0 | 24000-24999 | 0 | 25000-25999 | 0 | 26000-26999 | 1 | 27000-27999 | 4 | 28000-28999 | 2 | 29000-29999 | 3 | 30000-30999 | 1 | 31000-31999 | 1 | 32000-32999 | 0 | 33000-33999 | 0 | 34000-34999 | 0 | 35000-35999 | 0Show MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Life Expectancy at Birth and Gdp Per Capita (Ppp)4204 Words  | 17 PagesThe relationship between Life Expectancy at birth and GDP per capita (PPP) Candidate: Teacher: Candidate number: Date of submission: Word Count: 2907 Section 1: Introduction In a given country, Life Expectancy at birth is the expected number of years of life from birth. 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